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Create and ssh into a server

This example demonstrates how to create a server with upctl and connect to the created server via ssh connection.

To keep track of resources created during this example, we will use common prefix in all resource names.


In order to be able to connect to the server we are going to create, we will need an ssh-key. If you already have a ssh-key available, you can skip this step. The example creates the ssh-key into the current working directory, if you want to use this key for other authentication purposes as well, create the key into ~/.ssh directory instead.

# Create ssh-key into current working directory
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -q -f "./id_ed25519" -N ""

Create a server using the above created ssh-key as login method.

upctl server create \
    --hostname ${prefix}server \
    --zone pl-waw1 \
    --ssh-keys ./ \
    --network type=public \
    --network type=utility \

Find the IP address of the created server from the JSON output of upctl server show and execute hostname command via ssh connection on the created server.

# Parse public IP of the server with jq
ip=$(upctl server show ${prefix}server -o json | jq -r '.networking.interfaces[] | select(.type == "public") | .ip_addresses[0].address')

# Wait for a moment for the ssh server to become available
sleep 15

ssh -i id_ed25519 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new root@$ip "hostname"

Finally, we can cleanup the created resources.

upctl server stop --type hard --wait ${prefix}server
upctl server delete ${prefix}server --delete-storages