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upctl storage import

Import a storage from external or local source

upctl storage import [flags]


upctl storage import --source-location --title my_storage --zone es-mad1


Option Description
--source-location Location of the source of the import. Can be a file or a URL.
--storage Import to an existing storage. Storage must be large enough and must be undetached or the server where the storage is attached must be in shutdown state.
--no-wait When importing from remote url, do not wait until the import finishes or storage is in online state. If set, command will exit after import process has been initialized.
--wait Wait for storage to be in online state before returning.
--title A short, informational description.
--size Size of the storage in GiB.
Default: 10
--zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones.
--tier Storage tier.
Default: maxiops
--encrypt Encrypt the storage.
--backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups.
--backup-interval The interval of the backup.
Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun
Default: daily
--backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095
Default: 7
--help, -h help for import
Default: false

Global options

Option Description
--client-timeout, -t Client timeout to use in API calls.
Default: 0s
--config Configuration file path.
--debug Print out more verbose debug logs.
Default: false
--force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support.
--no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable.
--output, -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human)
Default: human
Command Description
upctl storage Manage storages