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upctl storage modify

Modify a storage

upctl storage modify <UUID/Title...> [flags]


upctl storage modify 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title "My Storage" --size 20
upctl storage modify "My Storage" --size 25


Option Description
--title A short, informational description.
--size Size of the storage (GiB).
Default: 0
--backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups.
--backup-interval The interval of the backup.
Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun
--backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095.
Default: 0
--enable-filesystem-autoresize Enable automatic resize of partition and filesystem when modifying storage size. Note that before the resize attempt is made, backup of the storage will be taken. If the resize attempt fails, the backup will be used to restore the storage and then deleted. If the resize attempt succeeds, backup will be kept. Taking and keeping backups incure costs..
--help, -h help for modify
Default: false

Global options

Option Description
--client-timeout, -t Client timeout to use in API calls.
Default: 0s
--config Configuration file path.
--debug Print out more verbose debug logs.
Default: false
--force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support.
--no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable.
--output, -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human)
Default: human
Command Description
upctl storage Manage storages