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upctl ip-address assign

Assign or create an IP address

upctl ip-address assign [flags]


upctl ip-address assign --server 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b
upctl ip-address assign --server 00944977-89ce-4d10-89c3-bb5ba482e48d --family IPv6
upctl ip-address assign --server 00944977-89ce-4d10-89c3-bb5ba482e48d --floating --zone pl-waw1
upctl ip-address assign --server 00b78f8b-521d-4ffb-8baa-adf96c7b8f45 --floating --mac d6:0e:4a:6f:11:8f


Option Description
--access Is address for utility or public network.
Default: public
--family The address family of new IP address.
Default: IPv4
--server The server the ip address is assigned to.
--mac MAC address of server interface to assign address to. Required for detached floating IP address if zone is not specified.
--zone Zone where to create the IP address. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. Required when creating a detached floating IP address, i.e. when MAC address is not speficied.
--floating Whether the address to be assigned is a floating one.
--help, -h help for assign
Default: false

Global options

Option Description
--client-timeout, -t Client timeout to use in API calls.
Default: 0s
--config Configuration file path.
--debug Print out more verbose debug logs.
Default: false
--force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support.
--no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable.
--output, -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human)
Default: human
Command Description
upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses