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upctl kubernetes create

Create a Kubernetes cluster

upctl kubernetes create [flags]


upctl kubernetes create \
                --name my-cluster \
                --network 03e5ca07-f36c-4957-a676-e001e40441eb \
                --node-group count=2,name=my-minimal-node-group,plan=2xCPU-4GB, \
                --zone de-fra1
upctl kubernetes create \
                --name my-cluster \
                --plan production-small \
                --network 03e5ca07-f36c-4957-a676-e001e40441eb \
                --node-group count=4,kubelet-arg="log-flush-frequency=5s",label="owner=devteam",label="env=dev",name=my-node-group,plan=4xCPU-8GB,ssh-key="ssh-ed25519 AAAAo",ssh-key="/path/to/your/public/ssh/",storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000160010100,taint="env=dev:NoSchedule",taint="env=dev2:NoSchedule" \
                --zone de-fra1


Option Description
--name Kubernetes cluster name.
--label Labels to describe the cluster in key=value format, multiple can be declared.
Default: []
--plan Plan to use for the cluster. Run upctl kubernetes plans to list all available plans.
Default: development
--version Identifier of the version of Kubernetes to use when creating the cluster. Run upctl kubernetes versions to list all available versions.
--network Network to use. The value should be name or UUID of a private network.
--node-group Node group(s) for running workloads, multiple can be declared.
Usage: --node-group count=8,kubelet-arg="log-flush-frequency=5s",label="owner=devteam",label="env=dev",name=my-node-group,plan=2xCPU-4GB,ssh-key="ssh-ed25519 AAAAo",ssh-key="/path/to/your/public/ssh/",storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000160010100,taint="env=dev:NoSchedule",taint="env=dev2:NoSchedule"
Default: []
--kubernetes-api-allow-ip Allow cluster's Kubernetes API to be accessed from an IP address or a network CIDR, multiple can be declared.
Default: []
--private-node-groups Do not assign public IPs to worker nodes. If set, the attached network should have a NAT gateway configured to provide internet access to the worker nodes.
--zone Zone where to create the cluster. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones.
--wait Wait for cluster to be in running state before returning.
--help, -h help for create
Default: false

Global options

Option Description
--client-timeout, -t Client timeout to use in API calls.
Default: 0s
--config Configuration file path.
--debug Print out more verbose debug logs.
Default: false
--force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support.
--no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable.
--output, -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human)
Default: human
Command Description
upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters